Cyber Security

Basic Plan

Malware & Hack Scan Frequency
Malware & Hack Scan Frequency
Malware Removal SLA
Malware Removal & Hack Cleanup
Brand Reputation & Blacklist Monitoring
Stop Hacks (Virtual Patching / Hardening)
Advanced DDoS Mitigation
CDN Performance
SSL Certificate Support
Firewall – HTTPS & PCI Compliant
Customer Support
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Number of Websites
Number of Web pages
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
SSL Certificate Support
Sucuri Dashboard API
Support Type
Monitoring and Detection
Security Scans
Malware Detection
Security Anomaly Detection
Blacklist Monitoring
File Change Detection
DNS Monitoring
SSL Monitoring
Instant Notifications
Bandwidth Limit
Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
DDoS Attack Mitigation
Brute Force Protection
Block Hack Attempts
Prevent Zero-day Exploits
Protected Pages
Heuristic Correlation Engine
Load Balancing / Failover
Hack Cleanup & Malware Removal
Malware Removal Request Limit
Blacklist Warning Removal
Automatic Cleanup
Security Analyst Escalation
Full Website Cleanup
Backdoor Removal
Quarantined Backups
Post-Cleanup Report
Global Anycast CDN
Fast Page Speed
Reduced Server Load
GZIP Compression
Smart Caching Options

Professional Plan

Malware & Hack Scan Frequency
Malware & Hack Scan Frequency
Malware Removal SLA
Malware Removal & Hack Cleanup
Brand Reputation & Blacklist Monitoring
Stop Hacks (Virtual Patching / Hardening)
Advanced DDoS Mitigation
CDN Performance
SSL Certificate Support
Firewall – HTTPS & PCI Compliant
Customer Support
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Number of Websites
Number of Web pages
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
SSL Certificate Support
Sucuri Dashboard API
Support Type
Monitoring and Detection
Security Scans
Malware Detection
Security Anomaly Detection
Blacklist Monitoring
File Change Detection
DNS Monitoring
SSL Monitoring
Instant Notifications
Bandwidth Limit
Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
DDoS Attack Mitigation
Brute Force Protection
Block Hack Attempts
Prevent Zero-day Exploits
Protected Pages
Heuristic Correlation Engine
Load Balancing / Failover
Hack Cleanup & Malware Removal
Malware Removal Request Limit
Blacklist Warning Removal
Automatic Cleanup
Security Analyst Escalation
Full Website Cleanup
Backdoor Removal
Quarantined Backups
Post-Cleanup Report
Global Anycast CDN
Fast Page Speed
Reduced Server Load
GZIP Compression
Smart Caching Options